Barcode Registration

We can help you obtain GS1 and EAN 13 barcodes registration for your products with expert help.

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Know More About Barcode registration


Barcodes are vertical lines representation that can be scanned electronically to fetch the product details faster.

Barcode is used to encode the product details instantly such as product numbers, serial numbers, and batch numbers. A barcode on product plays a vital role in the supply chain, enabling all participants’ like Manufacturers, transporter, wholesaler to identify products easily.

In addition to that, a barcode on products plays a vital role in a supply chain, supermarkets, transportation, hospitals, and fast-moving retails chains.

EAN-13 is the most commonly used type of barcode that has 13 numeric digits. UPC-A barcode is a superset of 12 numeric digits.


Barcode registration is not a government mandatory requirement. A retail barcode will work fine even without registration because stores enter the barcode number and link it to their billing or inventory software on an individual basis.


We do not just provide barcode ownership to you. We ensure registration of EAN 13 & UPC barcode on an international barcode database along with product details.

Barcode registration enables visibility on google search for the barcode number affix on the product. On registration, Barcode scanning will return product information from an international database to the readers online.


GS1 Barcode

Inclusive all taxes

GS1 Barcode Registration [Government fee extra]

International Barcod

Inclusive all taxes

Barcode Registration


Guarantee of Authenticity Certificate [Government fee extra]

GS1 + International Barcode

Inclusive all taxes

GS1 Barcode Registration


Barcode Certificate


Guarantee of Authenticity Certificate [Government fee extra]

Free Barcode generator Vs GS1 Barcode

There are various free online tools available to generate barcodes.

Manufacturers and packagers spend thousands of rupees printing barcodes on product packaging. Generally, big retail chains such as Walmart, Big Bazaar, Max Fashion, Home Center, Aditya Birla Retail, Shoppers Stop, etc do not accept barcodes except GS1.

Product rejection due to free barcodes may lead to a big loss by reprinting product packages again with legitimate barcodes.

Pros & Cons of Free Barcodes

Pros Cons
It's Free! . Big retail chains do not accept Free barcodes.
. Barcode meant for quick scanning. Free one carries poor quality and generally, compromise with scan capability.
. No guarantee of a unique barcode number. Free tool may generate the same barcode to anyone.
. No barcode ownership.



International Article Number previously called European Article Number. EAN-13 is the 13-digit barcode generally used in Europe, India and other nations.


Universal Product Code or UPC-A is a 12-digit barcode generally used in US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Our Process

Upload the required documents & business details to our web portal.

Consult our business advisor about a product for which seeking Barcode registration.

Choose Package and Pay online with different payments modes available

On placing an order, your application shall be assigned to one of our dedicated professional

After documents & information scrutiny, our team will file an application for product barcode registration.

On successful barcode registration, we will provide barcodes and certificate.

Documents Required

Company Pan Card

Business Registration Proof

Canceled Cheque

Company Letterhead


Eliminates Error

Barcode removes the chance of human errors. A barcode scan is fast and accurate and takes much less time than manual data entry.

Cost-effective & convenient

Barcodes are really cost effective, easy to obtain and print, moreover they can also be customized.

Detailed information

The Barcode contains all the relevant details of the product such as product numbers, serial numbers, and batch numbers and also ensures the genuineness of the product.

Inventory control

Barcode registration saves the time of all supply chain Participants and makes easy for the product to move anywhere in lesser time.

Saves time

Barcode registration saves a lot of time. All anyone just needs to do is scan the barcode affixed on the product and refer to the details thereof.

Better decision making

The consumers rely on Barcode scanned product information which is more accurate. This leads to immediate decision-making.

frequently asked questions

View Questions

  • Q. W1. EAN (European Article Number) Barcodeshat are different kinds of Barcodes?
  • Broadly there are 2 main kinds of Barcodes:
    1. EAN (European Article Number) Barcodes
    2. UPC (Universal Product Code) Barcodes
  • Q. What is GS1 Barcode?
  • GS1 Barcodes are the coded symbols that carry information about a product which is saved in a machine readable format. GS Barcodes can be easily scanned using laser or camera device such as lightpen. Unlike manual data entry, which is a long, tedious and erroneous process, barcodes help in automatic data reading which is 100% accurate.
  • Q. What type of information is there in GS1 Barcodes?
  • GS1 barcodes carry the following type of information:
    1.Manufacturer details
    2.Batch/lot number,
    3.Expiry dates for food safety
    Apart from that GS1 barcode also carry Identification Keys, about physical objects like products, assets, shipments, or services and locations at any point in the supply chain.
  • Q. Can we get International barcode?
  • Yes, you can get International barcode by applying for the same through the International Barcodes Network (IBN).
  • Q. What are Benefits of GS1 Barcodes?
  • GS1 barcode provides the following benefits to a business:
    1.Quick and precise data tracking anytime anywhere.
    2.Less stock-holding and less waste
    3.Greater responsiveness to trade customers and consumers
    4.The ability to automate warehousing
    5.Better control over distribution and storage
    6.Fewer errors in the recognition of goods
    7.Improved company to company communications throughout the supply chain
    8.One standard for use with all trading partners, therefore no conflicting demands.
  • Q. Do I need to physically present for the process?
  • No, You don’t need to be physically present for the process, Finten India is an online catering platform all you need is internet connection in your phone/computer and the required documents with you and we can get the job done no matters even if you are present at the remotest location of India.
  • Q. Will you provide this service in my town?
  • Yes, Finten upIndia is an online platform serving all over India no matters wherever you are doing business all you need is internet connection on your mobile or desktop and we are ready to get your job done.

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