The Private Ltd Company is one of the most preferred business legal forms by growing Indian start-ups. A private limited company can fulfill the requirement of raising funds from private investors easily; attract less tax and is a separate legal entity with perpetual succession which is restricted to other business types. Find out more.
Aadhar Card, Driving License, Election Id Card, Passport
Electricity Bill, Rent Agreement + NOC
Shareholder enjoys limited liability to the extent of capital invested. Shareholder's personal assets protected in the event of the company's insolvency.
Management & shareholders can be separated. A shareholder can invest the fund in fruitful business without managing & Management can operate their business without frequent interruption of investors.
A company is a Separate legal entity from its Owners and Management in the eyes of law.
A business of the Company will not affect if there is any change in the ownership of the company.
Startups businesses can easily raise funds from investors on an equity basis.
Every Pvt Ltd Company enjoys for recently announced start-up tax exemption, if meets eligibility criteria.