Business Plan & Project Report

We help you to prepare a business plan and project report to raise equity/debt funds & loan from banks, financial institution, VCs, etc.

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Project Report

Inclusive all taxes

Key Contains

Company Profile

Promoter Profile

Business Profile

Financial Projections

Accounting Ratios

Business Plan

Inclusive all taxes

Key Contains

Company Profile

Promoter Profile

Business Model

Revenue Model

Current issues & Our Product Solutions

USP & Competative edge

Financial Projections

Project cum Feasibility Report

Inclusive all taxes

Key Contains

Company Profile

Promoter Profile

Business Profile

About Product, Process & Technology

About Market Potential

Detailed Financial Projections

Accounting Ratios

How Project/Business report help me in my business?

Project/Business report is just like a dream book of any entrepreneur that he or she carrying a vision to take its business idea commercially successful to the next height. Business Plan demonstrate to stakeholders in brief about your organisation’s business idea, revenue model, profitability, market creditability. Find out more…

Our Process

Upload the required documents & information to our web portal

Choose Package and Pay online with different payments modes available

Discussion between you and our professional about project requirement

Prepare “draft” business plan / project report & share with you

Undertake final discussion & make necessary changes in report.

Provide you final business plan/ project report.

Documents Required

Constitution of the Business

Brief about Business Model

Purpose of Project Report

Past financials statement, if any


When Project Report Required ?

It is required when you apply for small loans ranges from ₹25 Lacs to ₹50 Lacs in any bank or financial institution.

When Business Plan Required ?

It is required to pitch in your innovative business idea before Incubators, Seed Investors or at Startup Seminars which help you to raise equity funds.

When Project cum Feasibility Report Req?

It is required when you need Growth Equity Funding or Loans for ₹50 Lacs & above from banks/Financial Institutions.

Why choose Finten india

Fast Action

Affordable Service

One Roof Solution

Professional Approch